Wednesday, June 23, 2010

add drag and drop functionality to GRAILS-UI datatable editors

In my application I have added a GRAILS-UI datatable with in-line cell editing functionality at the bottom of my page. Problem was that the date picker element, which is a big fat, didn't fit onto the page and was unusable though. I asked the mailing list for help about that and Matthew Taylor adviced me to try and manipulate the position via CSS. That did not work for me as I figured out that the position was hard-coded in the style property of the div tag.

When I googled for a solution I found a post where it is explained how drag and drop functionality can be added to a YUI calendar widget. I adapted the solution here. Unfortunately I found no better way as to manipulate GRAILS-UI's source code. I edited DataTableTagLib.groovy around line 215 like this:

case 'date':
 editorConstruction += """
  var ${editorName} = 
  new YAHOO.widget.DateCellEditor();\n
  ${editorName}.subscribe('showEvent', function()
  {var dd = new YAHOO.util.DD(

With this, the date picker has become draggable and can be of use for my users again.

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